The Monterey Peninsula and Water – The Early Years

For the articles on water on the Monterey Peninsula I am deeply in debt to Dave Stoldt of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District and Michael Waxer AIA, of the Carmel Development Company, and a Past President of the Carmel River Watershed Conservancy. I reached out to them and they provided a wealth of information which put our local history in context. My deep appreciation to both of these gentlemen, as well as Paul Bruno of Monterey Peninsula Engineers and former mayor Jeanne Byrne who, in the 1990’s founded Water 2000 to push a long term solution to the Monterey Peninsula’s water issues. While they were a few decades too optimistic, they were absolutely on target on the problems and potential solutions.
Prior to the 1600’s several tribes of Esselen and Rumsen Indians lived in this area. These people, estimated in “An Overview of Esselen Indians” to have a population around 1,300 people, mostly fished and hunted; though they also collected nuts and berries to live on.
Then, in 1603, a group of Carmelite friars came into the area and named the river here El Rio de Carmelo. Later Spaniards brought cattle to the area and they did well, which was fortunate because their early efforts at farming didn’t work out very well. Though the early Spaniards brought seeds with them and immediately prepared and planted fields of barley, wheat, corn, and vegetables, at times the areas they picked only had stunted crops because they were exposed to salt water. At other times the river overflowed and wiped out their crops. The corn fields failed early on because of the difficulty or irrigating those fields, and even the wheat crop came in at about a third of what they had expected.
In 1771 Father Serra wrote “What we did here…in the way of raising crops came to nothing”, and even back then they had problems with the Carmel River and periods of heavy rain alternating with years of drought. In 1773 he wrote “This is the only mission that has the misfortune of having no running water” – though even then sardines and salmon were generally available. But even in the 1770’s and 1780’s they knew enough to build ponds and reservoirs in which to store water; and irrigation canals to move it around.
I heard a story once that when Father Junipero Serra set up the mission in Carmel, he was accompanied by a military officer by the name of Gaspar de Portola. Being a military man, one of the first things de Portola did when he set up camp was have his soldiers dig a canal from the river to their quarters. After all, people need water.
Seeing this flowing water, Father Serra had his people dig a canal from the military canal to their fields. After all, people need food, and crops need water. But Portola was miffed at someone diverting their water; and thus began the first known argument over water in the Monterey area. Now; whether true or not, this story is somewhat emblematic of what happens in Monterey that even a future saint and a soldier would fight over water here. Now, I don’t know if this story is true of not, and would love it if one of the history buffs out there could tell me, but you have to admit; it is a good story!
But it is a fact that water – whether for drinking or crop irrigation – was a real issue from the very start. The mission suffered through years of drought followed by years of floods; and they had to set up an irrigation system to get water to where it was needed. In 1783 Father Serra wrote of “the seven month’s worth (of effort) required to take water from the river for irrigation”, but the result was that “In some years this lagoon used to be dry. Now it is always full. Making it a great convenience and a delight to the mission”.
In 1848 the Mexican American War was ended with the signing of The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the US acquired California, Arizona, New Mexico – and the government of Mexico recognized the US’s claim to Texas. By 1850 the Monterey population grew to 1,092. The Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson spent some time in Monterey in 1879 regaining his health and “courting his future wife, Fanny Osbourne” and in 1879 wrote that the water system was a bunch of windmills “whirling and creaking and filling their cisterns with the brackish water of the sands”.
In 1883 the Pacific Improvement Company built the first dam on the Carmel River about a half mile below the site of the recently removed San Clemente Dam. That water was sent down the valley and around the coast to the Del Monte Hotel and the city of Monterey in 12 inch iron pipes – with the city tying in after a few years.
The current “portfolio” of water projects is really nothing new. People have been using water from rivers and aquifers for thousands of years, desal technology has been around for a long time, and setting aside water when rivers are flowing with excess water and storing that water only makes sense.
So, starting in 1996 – and using a concept similar to what the Clint Eastwood proposal had planned to use 30 years ago – the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) started evaluating if an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project to divert excess water in the Carmel River during high flows to the Seaside Aquifer for use later would work. The agency first built a “proof of concept” in 1997 to demonstrate its feasibility, and added wells the following year. Based on the positive results from the demonstration facility, the agency went to work on the full scale project.
There have been two phases of the project; phase I with a maximum capacity of 2,400 afy, and phase II with a capacity of 2,900 afy. Because of variations in the amount of water that can be taken from the river, however, average yields are projected to be somewhat lower at about 1.300 and 1,050 afy. Since the project came on line in 2008 it has diverted 8,561 acre feet of water to the aquifer; which is almost one year’s worth of water at current use rates.
In October 2015 (when I was the Board Chair), the Board of Directors of Monterey One Water (M1W) approved moving ahead with the Pure Water Monterey (PWM) Project. The Orange County Water District has been producing water using a very similar process since the late 1960’s and, in 2008, expanded their operations to produce 100 million gallons a day (112,000 afy). Because of legal requirements back in the 1960’ and 1970”s they were required to put their water in streams and rivers before it was sent to homes. But water experts and politicians have learned over time that more direct use of recycled potable water is safe, and so the local project will put their water into the Seaside aquifer, where it will travel through the soil for 10-12 months before being taken out.
Now, a lot of things came together to make this happen. The Marina Coast Water District, the City of Salinas, the Monterey County Water Resources Agency, and the Fort Ord Reuse Authority all pledged their support for the project. The California Public Utilities Commission also approved a three way water purchase agreement whereby M1W sells the water to the Water District which, in turn, sells it to Cal Am. The project is designed to produce 3,500 acre feet per year (afy) of highly purified water which will be injected into the aquifer, where it will replace water taken out of the Seaside Groundwater Basin. This replacement water will allow Cal Am to reduce the water it takes from the river by a similar amount – and also reducing the amount of water that needs to be produced through desalination.
The overall project also allows for a “drought reserve” of 1,000 acre feet, which will involve putting an extra 200 acre feet per year into the aquifer until that 1.000 AF goal is reached. That will then remain there to be drawn out in dry years if needed. In addition, in response to a California Public Utility Commission request, Pure Water Monterey confirmed that it could expand its production by another 2,200 afy (or a total of 5,700 afy) if called on to do so. The EIR to potentially do that has been completed, but is now in limbo until some regional political issues are resolved.
The completion of the Pure Water Monterey project was the result of a lot of agencies and organizations working together. For instance, in addition to building the water recycling plant, M1W worked with the Marina Coast Water District to build a 26 mile pipeline from Marina to Seaside to deliver the water to be injected into the Seaside aquifer. Access to the well sites had to be worked out with the city of Seaside. None of these things just happened or were easy. In fact in order to complete the project we had to obtain over 35 different city, county, state, and federal government permits. Cal Am had to build a seven mile pipeline to deliver the water to their Pacific Grove water treatment and distribution plant.
M1W’s partner agency – the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District – was a big part of making all of that happen. They provided financial assistance, engineering support, and advice all along the project’s development. The water district worked with all parties to build the plant, developed the injection wells, and work out a water purchase agreement that would benefit all parties.
The Monterey Peninsula needs to reduce the amount of water Cal Am has been taking from both the Carmel River and the Seaside Aquifer illegally. Replacement projects for that water are either on-line or coming along, and we are now finally at the stage where the portfolio of projects may be coming together.
In order to get away from over-reliance on the Carmel River and Seaside Aquifer, it was decided to obtain water from several other sources with a “portfolio” of water projects. This includes Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Ground Water Replenishment, and a desalination plant (and includes some help from Pacific Grove’s own Local Water Project). People have been using water from rivers and aquifers for thousands of years; desal technology has been around for a long time; and setting aside water when rivers are flowing with excess water and storing that water only makes sense.
Using a concept similar to what Clint Eastwood organization proposed 30 years ago, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) started evaluating if an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) project to divert water from the Carmel River during high flows, to the Seaside Aquifer for later use, would work. The agency first built a “proof of concept” to demonstrate its feasibility, and added wells the following year. Based on the positive results from the demonstration facility, the agency went to work on the full scale project.
Because of year to year variations in the amount of water that can be taken from the river, average yields are projected to be around 1,050 and 1,300 acre feet per year. Since the project came on line in 2008 it has diverted 8,561 acre feet of water to the aquifer; which is almost one year’s worth of water at current use rates.
In October 2015 (when I was the Board Chair), the Board of Directors of Monterey One Water (M1W) approved moving ahead with the Pure Water Monterey (PWM) Project. The Orange County Water District has been producing water using a very similar process since the late 1960’s and, in 2008, expanded their operations to produce 100 million gallons a day (112,000 afy). Because of legal requirements back in the 1960’s and 1970’s they were required to put their water in streams and rivers before it was sent to homes. But water experts and politicians have learned over time that more direct use of recycled potable water is safe, and so the local project will put their water into the Seaside aquifer, where it will travel through the soil for 10-12 months before being taken out.
The PWM plant has been completed. Because of the time we knew it would take to get the processing equipment for the plant, it was purchased years ago – before the plant building was even built – from four different manufacturers. Just as the systems were ready to be started up, it was discovered that the computers controlling them didn’t communicate well. Since the different modules require the use of different pressures, chemicals, and flow rates, they have to work together seamlessly. That is being worked on, but it is taking some time to work out all the kinks in several very complex systems.
To be successful, the project relied on a lot of agencies and organizations to work together. The Marina Coast Water District, the City of Salinas, the Monterey County Water Resources Agency, and the Fort Ord Reuse Authority all pledged their support for the project. In addition to building the water recycling plant, M1W worked with the Marina Coast Water District to build the pipeline from Marina to the Seaside aquifer. Access for the injection well site had to be worked out with the city of Seaside. None of these things just happened or were easy. In fact in order to complete the project we had to obtain over 35 different city, county, state, and federal government permits.
The project is designed to produce 3,500 acre feet per year (afy) of purified water which will be injected into the aquifer, where it will replace water taken out of the Seaside Groundwater Basin. This replacement water will allow Cal Am to reduce the water it takes from the river by a similar amount. Cal Am was then able to build a seven mile pipeline to deliver the water from Seaside to their Pacific Grove water treatment and distribution plant. Because of legal requirements, the water district worked with all parties to build the plant, developed the injection wells, and worked out a water purchase agreement where they purchase the water and then resell it to Cal Am.
The overall project also calls for a “drought reserve” of 1,000 acre feet to be injected in the aquifer. That water will then remain there to be drawn out in dry years if needed. In addition, in response to a California Public Utility Commission request, Pure Water Monterey confirmed that it could expand its production by another 2,200 afy (for a total of 5,700 afy), if called on to do so.
Whether the Plant expansion goes forward or not, however, two of the three parts of the water portfolio are basically in place. The plant is on-line and producing water that is being sent to the injection wells. Because of some problems with the shallow Vadose wells (about 100 feet deep), the agency is looking at putting in more deep injection wells which can put 600 to 1,000 gallons a minute into the aquifer.